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Positive aspects of Social Media

Knowledge is power. We all recognize this saying but few understand the empowering role social media has played. Through social media, anyone online is empowered by an unrestricted flow of information to add to their knowledge bank. In today's world, it is undeniable that social media plays an important role in impacting our culture, our economy and our overall view of the world. 

Social media is a new forum that brings people to exchange idea, connect with, relate to, and mobilize for a cause, seek advice, and offer guidance. Social media has removed communication barriers and created decentralized communication channel and open the door for all to have a voice and participate in a democratic fashion including people in repressive countries. This media outlet accommodates a wide variety spontaneous, formal, informal, scholarly and unscholarly writings to flourish. It enables common interest based groups such as students to work in a collaborative group projects outside of their class. It fosters creativity and collaboration with a wide range of commentators on a number of issues such as education, the economy, politics, race, health, relationships…etc.

There are numerous positive aspects associated with social media usage. Social media offers the ability to form a group for like-minded people to work together. Social networking sites help students do significantly better in school, primarily through utilizing connecting with each other on school assignments and collaborative group projects outside of class. For instance, Facebook allows students to gather outside of class to exchange ideas about assignments . Some schools successfully use blogs as teaching tools, which has the benefit of reinforcing skills in English, written expression, and tool. Since there is an exponential user growth in social media, companies use this platform for product marketing through advertising, where they promote brands, discuss features, and create awareness. In fact, advertising is the main scheme social media companies use to generate revenue stream to sustain their operation. In addition, social networking sites are used to spread information faster than traditional news outlets or any other form of media.

Everyday examples of social media sharing are seen in the emergency amber alerts we receive on our smartphones reporting the missing persons’ photos we see on social media sites. The amazing fact is this news comes directly from others who have experienced it firsthand. Examples of rapid social media sharing occurred in events such as the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado in 2012, the Boston marathon bombing in 2013, and the death of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe a few weeks ago. In all these stories, social media caught word quicker than local news outlets and created awareness giving a voice to the victims of these tragedies. The Boston marathon bombing in particular is a good example of social media rapidly sharing information. After the event, the FBI released photos of the two suspects and the photos immediately went viral on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. Social media was used to form groups in which people posted photos and information pertaining to the case. This phenomenon is called crowd sourcing or crowd sleuthing and eventually the whole country was on the watch; there was nowhere the perpetrators could hide. Before the week was up, one suspect was found dead while the other accomplice was placed in custody. These are few of the many benefits of social media.

Thus social media has various positive effects on one's life........


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